Tuesday, September 4, 2007

shoes&&ships&&sealing wax ~only not~

alliteration is love.
yay, a blog!
so i can rant, perhaps.
but i have not coded anything in ages, so this will look like rubbish for awhile.

all i want to do is rooolllleeepppllllaaayyyy.
but everyone's starting school- so it's...empty D=.
not that that means i do not check it every hour or so...obsessively,
even though there are not any changes.
but, that's me.
la nat.

for the record, i start school on FRIDAY.
stupid, non?
but, that's my district for you.
then i am off to saaalllleeeemmmm with a bunch of hyper twelve year olds.
girl scouts.don't even.
whoooo, perhaps i can lock them in the witch dungeon?
i got my schedule, latin&chem&english&history.
it'll keep me busy, seeing as i'll be running up and downstairs all day,
which means i'll still look like a freshman because i run to get to class.
pssshhhh. i'll play it cool.

i just got my bangs cut.
hawt stuff, man.
but now i'll have to be all ocd D=-
and brush them across my forehead constantly.
all sophisicated like ;].

god.why are lisa frank stickers so hard to ffffiiinnnndddd?
took me like an hour to find the party favor ones.
where you get like five stickers on a sheet.
thankfully, i got fifteen of them.
obsessive? nawh. i just go through stickers rather quickly.
because i like to be colorful.

till then.

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